Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Just another Monday

The next day Leonard went in happily to work. Even though it was Monday, he had had such a fine weekend that he was still in a good mood.

He managed to do as little as possible while still looking busy. Like most office workers, he had perfected this over the years. He checked out the forums that he moderated, and then he messed around on Sploofus for a while. It was all about the points, and Leonard liked to get extra points on the Showdown Challenges.

The real fun had gone out of Sploofus though. He had been competing for points against the woman who used to ask him Nosy Personal Questions, but she had stormed off in a huff and chucked her membership. It was OK getting extra points, but it was more fun to have someone specific to beat.

Apparently he had said something wrong once - well more than once - and eventually she had got very cross with him. She wasn't too pleased either that he had refused to play Scrabble with her any more.

She used to write witty funny emails to him that brightened up the monotony of his working day, but she didn't seem to write so much any more. Or when she did, there was something missing. Leonard sighed.

It was time for his breakfast sandwiches. He wandered off to make a cup of tea. When he got back to his desk, he carefully opened his sandwiches and began to eat them, thinking about the woman who didn't email him much any more.

Why was she so cantankerous? he wondered. Leonard never went looking for problems, but women seemed to find them regardless. This woman reminded him of someone. It wasn't Mrs Leonard though, in spite of her rather snarky comment yesterday about only looking for one cache. Leonora. That was it. Cantankerous Leonora. He suddenly remembered she was meant to be making a final decision about Morocco over the weekend.

Well, he had enjoyed his weekend, so maybe that was a good omen. Perhaps when he got home, there would be a nice email from her. Or maybe she would send it this evening. He smiled anticipating three weeks of fun and adventure camping with Leonora in Morocco.

A new email came up in his inbox. Leonard read it in disbelief. His spirits plunged and his weekend euphoric good humour disappeared immediately.

Flippin' Leonora. WHY didn't she want to go with him? She was obviously serious because she hadn't even been sarcastic. It was an attempt at a nice let-down. Maybe she really did like this new man. Maybe.... Leonard didn't know what to think. He just knew he was disappointed.

He was in a bad mood for the rest of the morning. His staff kept well away from him, and he couldn't even be arsed to snap at them.

He went home at lunchtime and told Tata. She looked at him sympathetically. Actually she wasn't that bothered because she had already been told that she couldn't go with them. What was needed was a new plan to go to Europe in her not remotely humble opinon.

But she put her head mournfully on Leonard's large thighs and gazed at him lovingly.

"Thanks Tata," he said. "It's good to know someone cares about me."

He shovelled in some toast, had a cup of tea, and then grabbed the box of Lindt chocolate truffles that had fallen into the supermarket trolley the last time he went. There weren't very many left, but he took out a handful and ate them quickly. Mmmm, delicious. Then he felt sick.

Leonard dragged himself reluctantly back to work, wondering whether to reply to Leonora and if so, what to say. No, she could stew and wait. Which really meant he would ask Tata when he got home what she thought he ought to do.

That wasn't such a bad idea, as Tata had spent all afternoon lying around thinking about how to sort the problem. Tata was very fond of Leonora, and she hated to see Leonard look miserable, so the situation clearly needed some clever Ridgeback thinking.

Leonard walked in the door gloomily after work. Tata bounced up to greet him, but not too rumbustiously. He smiled at her and patted her on the top of her head.

First he took off his work kit and changed into something more casual. Then they sat on the sofa together and played tugs for a while. Leonard thought about eating some more of those tasty truffles, but he had already put on two pounds and he hadn't even finished the box.

He picked up his laptop. Tata knew this was the moment to bark.

"Ruff, ruff, ruff," she barked kindly.

"What?" asked Leonard absent-mindedly.

"Ruff, ruff, ruff," repeated Tata.

"Aw Tata I'm not sure I want to ask her to come visit. Why?"

Tata explained patiently. Leonard thought about it. Maybe it wasn't such a daft idea.

"Well, I suppose she will be feeling guilty. Or at least she ought to be. And she hasn't visited for ages."

Leonard scowled thinking about Leonora's new boyfriend. She really did seem far too interested in him, and he was taking up far too much of her time.

"Ruff," barked Tata sweetly, thinking she might be able to lure Leonora into a river or two and plant an idea about a European camping trip where dogs were allowed to go instead of that awful North African place.

Leonard started tapping out the email. He did miss Leonora's company. She could be funny and witty and smart and lots of things. She could also be a regal pain in the arse.

"Hi Leonora
Thanks for your mail. Sorry that you don't want to come with me, but no hard feelings. It's your decision.
But why don't you come down next weekend and see us? Tata is complaining that she hasn't seen you for a while and she wants to show you some fine new rivers :D. .."

Leonard thought about whether or not to extend the invitation to the irritating boyfriend but decided he didn't want to see him. Not yet anyway.

"As you've finished work, you could always come down on Thursday or Friday, and you know I always take Friday afternoon off anyway.
Look forward to seeing you.

Leonard read it over again, checked for spelling errors as Leonora always picked them up and laughed at him, and then sent it. PING.

"There, that's done Tata," he said, smiling at her.


Leonora had spent most of the day snoozing on the sofa, with Sheba lying very close to her.

She heard the email arrive and debated whether or not to go and have a look. Eventually she roused herself to wander over to the computer. Leonard. She frowned. What did he have to say? Not a telling off, she hoped.

She clicked on the email and read his conciliatory message. Aw, she thought. He's taken it really well. She promptly felt very guilty. She quickly typed 'OK' and sent the message.

Then she went back to lie on the sofa and stroke Sheba. She wondered, not for the first time, how interested she really was in Mark, and how much she tolerated him because of Sheba. Then there was Tata. Leonora thought she could do without all these inconvenient men in her life if only she had a dog like Sheba or Tata.

She had decided when she finished work that she was going to do lots of travelling, so it would be unfair to get a dog, and board it in kennels for weeks or months on end. But as she hadn't been anywhere recently, the dog idea was becoming more attractive. Perhaps Leonard would look after a dog for her if she went away. It would be company for Tata - if she would accept another dog. Hmmm. Something to broach over the weekend.


Leonard was horrified to see a reply from Leonora so quickly. His heart sank for the second time that day. Was she going to tell him to Do One? He looked at Tata for moral support.

"Ruff, ruff," she barked confidently. Of course Leonora would say yes. How could she resist the thought of running through nice rivers in the middle of winter?

Leonard opened the email and smiled. Hardly Leonora at her chattiest, but it would do. He was looking forward to the weekend already. Time to look at the geocaching site, and plan some trips for Leonora. He decided to indulge in some more truffles after all.

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